Category Archives: Other Stuff that doesn’t conveniently fit in the other categories

Sometimes I write stuff that is, well, stuff. It doesn’t exactly fit in any of my other finely crafted and tuned categories. All that stuff is here. Don’t think that just because it is a bit random that it isn’t good stuff. Because it is.

FR: Messing With the Power of Drunk Fu

“How I impressed my friends”

[note: this is a report from a few weeks ago, reposted to get things started]

Some old college buddies of mine got together for a reunion this weekend in San Francisco. It was our yearly get together to keep the bonds of friendship strong. We were also out in North Beach Saturday night, and there were some pretty ladies, so I couldn’t resist.

We were out to DRINK and have a grand time, so this story has the underlying theme of my being drunk throughout. Now, usually I don’t endorse drinking a lot with socializing with ladies, but was more happenstance than anything. Continue reading